Love, Oneness, & Virtue are the three fundamental ideals that encompass the power of humanity. Universally found in every religion, philosophy, & ideology throughout history, these ideals can and should be embraced by the whole of humankind, in order to create a peaceful, productive, and prosperous environment for us all .
Love: The goodness, & deep benevolence that exists in us all.
Oneness: The connection to our true selves and those around us.
Virtue: The positive values that lead us to live productive and fulfilling lives.
It is with the intent to promote these three ideals across the global community that the LOV Movement was created.
Through the promotion of these values & the grassroots actions of our projects, we reduce the charitable non-profit model down to what it is truly meant to be about: individuals helping individuals.
And plant the seeds that will bring about a greater human civilization.